
Ages and Stages on tour!

Ages and Stages goes on tour 

The final production ‘Ages and Stages’ was performed by members of Cavan Older People’s Council to a packed audience in the Townhall Theatre Cavan in November 2023.  Following its success further performances were held in a range of community venues and nursing homes bringing this hugely successful production out to those hard to reach. 

This show responded to numerous requests and feedback by both participants and audiences to “take this show on the road” to nursing homes and rural areas where isolated older people  benefited from this delivery.  The creative workshops leading to the final event has significantly impacted on both participants and audience alike.  This Age Friendly approach to consultation on programme content and delivery ensures that the voice of the older people has been present throughout this project. 

 Ages and Stages supports a collective desire by older people to remember, share and connect through drama.

This project is funded by Creative Ireland and Cavan County Council through Creative Cavan.
